Monday, May 10, 2010

Share The Road PSA Helps Cyclists

The Washington Area Bicycle Association turned to Gearshift to fufill a grant to create 2 PSA's.  The first PSA is called the "Right Hook"  and the second is "Dooring".  Both suck if you are a cyclist and they happen to you.  The right hook is when a car cuts you off by making a right turn in front of you while you are going straight.  Dooring is when soomeone opens their car door at the same time you are riding by the car.  Ouch.  These PSA's show some helpful techniques to avoid an accident.  For more on how Gearshift can help your business proved informative videos call 877-477-STUDIO.


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Hudsonchris said...

You have done well by sharing these PSAs! It is wonderful to observe attempts aimed at teaching bikers and motorists how to be safe. These suggestions are of much assistance because I am one of those who move around town riding a bike most of the time. In line with this, a reliable service for emergencies is vital in case anybody ever gets into trouble due an accident or bicycle malfunctions. In circumstances where quick help is required within the city, nyc towing services can be your savior. They provide quick and efficient help that ensures both you and your bicycle are brought back home safely. All of you stay safe!